Source code for cockatoo._knitmappingnetwork

# PYTHON STANDARD LIBRARY IMPORTS ---------------------------------------------
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# DUNDER ----------------------------------------------------------------------
__all__ = [

# THIRD PARTY MODULE IMPORTS --------------------------------------------------
import networkx as nx

# LOCAL MODULE IMPORTS --------------------------------------------------------
from cockatoo._knitnetworkbase import KnitNetworkBase

# CLASS DECLARATION -----------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class KnitMappingNetwork(nx.MultiGraph, KnitNetworkBase): """ Datastructure representing a mapping between connected chains of 'weft' edges in a KnitNetwork for final creation of 'weft' and 'warp' edges. Inherits from :class:`networkx.MultiGraph`, :class:`KnitNetworkBase` For more info, see *NetworkX* [13]_. Notes ----- Not intended to be instantiated separately. Should only be instantiated by the KnitNetwork.create_mapping_network method! The implemented algorithms are strongly based on the paper *Automated Generation of Knit Patterns for Non-developable Surfaces* [1]_. Also see *KnitCrete - Stay-in-place knitted formworks for complex concrete structures* [2]_. The implementation was further influenced by concepts and ideas presented in the papers *Automatic Machine Knitting of 3D Meshes* [3]_, *Visual Knitting Machine Programming* [4]_ and *A Compiler for 3D Machine Knitting* [5]_. """ # TEXTUAL REPRESENTATION OF NETWORK --------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): """ Return a textual description of the network. Returns ------- description : str A textual description of the network. """ if != "": name = else: name = "KnitMappingNetwork" nn = len(self.nodes()) ce = len(self.contour_edges) wee = len(self.weft_edges) wae = len(self.warp_edges) data = ("({} Nodes, {} Segment Contours, {} Weft, {} Warp)") data = data.format(nn, ce, wee, wae) return name + data
[docs] def ToString(self): """ Return a textual description of the network. Returns ------- description : str A textual description of the network. Notes ----- Used for overloading the Grasshopper display in data parameters. """ return repr(self)
# SEGMENT CONTOUR METHODS -------------------------------------------------
[docs] def traverse_segments_until_warp(self, way_segments, down=False, by_end=False): """ Method for traversing a path of 'segment' edges until a 'warp' edge is discovered which points to the previous or the next segment. Returns the ids of the segment array. Parameters ---------- way_segments : :obj:`list` List of segments that is filled during method execution. The list should contain the start segment when calling this method! down : bool, optional If ``True``, will traverse until a downwards 'warp' edge is discovered, otherwise will traverse antil an upwards 'warp' edge is discovered. Defaults to ``False`` by_end : bool, optional If ``True``, will traverse the 'segment' edges in the opposite direction. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- segments : :obj:`list` List of segments representing a chain. Raises ------ ValueError: If ``way_segments`` is empty at call. """ if len(way_segments) == 0: errMsg = "Argument way_segments has to contain the starting " + \ "segment when calling this method!" raise ValueError(errMsg) segment_list = way_segments flag = False while flag == False: # set the current segment current_segment = segment_list[-1] # traversal by segment endnode if by_end: # check that segment for 'warp' edges at the start warp_edges = self.node_warp_edges(current_segment[0]) if down: filtered_warp_edges = [we for we in warp_edges if we[1] == current_segment[0]-1] else: filtered_warp_edges = [we for we in warp_edges if we[1] == current_segment[0]+1] # if there is a warp edge at the start, return the segment_list if (len(filtered_warp_edges) != 0 or (len(warp_edges) == 1 and self.node[current_segment[0]]["leaf"])): flag = True break # traversal by segment start node else: # check that segment for 'warp' edges at the end warp_edges = self.node_warp_edges(current_segment[1]) if down: filtered_warp_edges = [we for we in warp_edges if we[1] == current_segment[1]-1] else: filtered_warp_edges = [we for we in warp_edges if we[1] == current_segment[1]+1] # if there is a warp edge at the end, our chain is finished if (len(filtered_warp_edges) != 0 or (len(warp_edges) == 1 and self.node[current_segment[1]]["leaf"])): flag = True break # get all connected segments at the last point of the segment if by_end: connected_segments = self.end_node_segments_by_end( current_segment[0], data=True) else: connected_segments = self.end_node_segments_by_start( current_segment[1], data=True) # from these, only get the segment with the lowest id if len(connected_segments) > 0: # define best candidate segment candidate_segment = connected_segments[0] # append the segment to the segment_list segment_list.append(candidate_segment[2]["segment"]) else: break # if we are traversing by end, we need to reverse the resulting list if by_end: segment_list.reverse() return segment_list
# CREATION OF FINAL 'WARP' CONNECTIONS ------------------------------------
[docs] def build_chains(self, source_as_dict=False, target_as_dict=False): """ Method for building source and target chains from segment contour edges. Parameters ---------- source_as_dict : bool If ``True``, will return the source chains as a dictionary indexed by their chain value. target_as_dict : bool If ``True``, will return the target chains as a dictionary indexed by their chain value. Returns ------- chains : :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`list` 2-tuple in the form of (source_chains, target_chains). """ # get all warp edges of this mappingnetwork AllWarpEdges = self.warp_edges AllWarpEdges.sort(key=lambda e: e[0]) # initialize lists and dictionaries for storage of chains source_chains = [] target_chains = [] source_chain_dict = dict() target_chain_dict = dict() # BUILD SEGMENT CHAINS BY LOOPING THROUGH 'WARP' EDGES ---------------- # loop through all warp edges and build segment chains for i, warp_edge in enumerate(AllWarpEdges): # initialize temporary lists for source and target chains source_pass_chains = [] target_pass_chains = [] # START OF 'WARP' EDGE -------------------------------------------- # get the connected segments at the start of the 'warp edge' warpStart = warp_edge[0] warpStartLeafFlag = self.node[warpStart]["leaf"] connected_start_segments = self.end_node_segments_by_start( warpStart, data=True) # TODO: # 1) build plane for reference. plane should be fit through warp # edge points and points on the connecting segments. # for example use the end of the first segment of the underlying # polyline geometry # 2) for every pt get pt on the reference plane # 3) order all segments in reference to the warp edges direction # all segment endpts # if len(connected_start_segments) > 1: # # get start node geo of warp edge # ws_pt = self.node[warpStart]["geo"] # # css geo is always a polyline # css_pls = [css[2]["geo"] for css in connected_start_segments] # # get the endpt of the first segment from the polyline as # # reference # # for the direction of the segment # css_refpts = [csspl[1] for csspl in css_pls] # # # construct local reference plane # # x-axis is an arbitrary dir of the connected segments # # y-axis is the warp edge # local_x = css_refpts[0] - ws_pt # local_x = RhinoVector3d(local_x) # local_y = warp_edge[2]["geo"].To - warp_edge[2]["geo"].From # local_y = RhinoVector3d(local_y) # localplane = RhinoPlane(ws_pt, local_x, local_y) # # # fit plane to points # fitplane = RhinoPlane.FitPlaneToPoints( # css_refpts + [ws_pt])[1] # fitplane_origin = fitplane.ClosestPoint(ws_pt) # fitplane.Origin = fitplane_origin # if fitplane.Normal * localplane.Normal < 0: # fitplane.Flip() # # # map all the points to the plane space # a = fitplane.RemapToPlaneSpace(fitplane_origin)[1] # css_refpts_remapped = [] # for csspt in css_refpts: # cp = fitplane.ClosestPoint(csspt) # rmp = fitplane.RemapToPlaneSpace(cp)[1] # css_refpts_remapped.append(rmp) # # # zip the segments and the refpts # zipped_segs = zip(css_refpts_remapped, # connected_start_segments) # # # append first item to ordered list # ordered_zippedsegs = zipped_segs[0:1] # # # loop over all items except the first one and compare # # sort the zipped segs in ccw order # for j, zipseg in enumerate(zipped_segs[1:]): # c = zipseg[0] # pos = 0 # b = ordered_zippedsegs[pos][0] # while not is_ccw_xy(a, b, c): # pos += 1 # if pos > j: # break # b = ordered_zippedsegs[pos][0] # if pos == 0: # pos -= 1 # b = ordered_zippedsegs[pos][0] # while is_ccw_xy(a, b, c): # pos -= 1 # if pos < -len(ordered_zippedsegs): # break # b = ordered_zippedsegs[pos][0] # pos += 1 # ordered_zippedsegs.insert(pos, zipseg) # # ordered_pts, connected_start_segments = zip( # *ordered_zippedsegs) # traverse segments from start node of 'warp' edge if len(connected_start_segments) > 0: for j, cs in enumerate(connected_start_segments): # travel the connected segments at the start of the 'warp' # edge until a 'upwards' connection is found and append # it to the source chains of this pass segment_chain = self.traverse_segments_until_warp( [cs[2]["segment"]], down=False) index = len([c for c in source_pass_chains if c[0][0][0] == segment_chain[0][0] and c[0][-1][1] == segment_chain[-1][1]]) chain_value = (segment_chain[0][0], segment_chain[-1][1], index) chain_tuple = (segment_chain, chain_value) source_pass_chains.append(chain_tuple) # if this is a 'leaf' node, also travel the segments until # a 'downwards' connection is found and append this to the # target (!) chains of this pass if warpStartLeafFlag: segment_chain = self.traverse_segments_until_warp( [cs[2]["segment"]], down=True) index = len([c for c in target_pass_chains if c[0][0][0] == segment_chain[0][0] and c[0][-1][1] == segment_chain[-1][1]]) chain_value = (segment_chain[0][0], segment_chain[-1][1], index) chain_tuple = (segment_chain, chain_value) target_pass_chains.append(chain_tuple) # END OF 'WARP' EDGE ---------------------------------------------- # get the connected segments at the end warpEnd = warp_edge[1] warpEndLeafFlag = self.node[warpEnd]["leaf"] connected_end_segments = self.end_node_segments_by_start( warpEnd, data=True) # traverse segments from end node of 'warp' edge if len(connected_end_segments) > 0: for j, cs in enumerate(connected_end_segments): # if this is a 'leaf' node, first travel the segments until # a 'upwards' connection is found and append this to the # source (!) chains of this pass if warpEndLeafFlag: segment_chain = self.traverse_segments_until_warp( [cs[2]["segment"]], down=False) index = len([c for c in source_pass_chains if c[0][0][0] == segment_chain[0][0] and c[0][-1][1] == segment_chain[-1][1]]) chain_value = (segment_chain[0][0], segment_chain[-1][1], index) chain_tuple = (segment_chain, chain_value) source_pass_chains.append(chain_tuple) # travel the connected segments until a 'downwards' # connection is found and append to target pass chains segment_chain = self.traverse_segments_until_warp( [cs[2]["segment"]], down=True) index = len([c for c in target_pass_chains if c[0][0][0] == segment_chain[0][0] and c[0][-1][1] == segment_chain[-1][1]]) chain_value = (segment_chain[0][0], segment_chain[-1][1], index) chain_tuple = (segment_chain, chain_value) target_pass_chains.append(chain_tuple) # append the source pass chains to the source collection for chain in source_pass_chains: if chain[1] not in source_chain_dict: source_chains.append(chain) source_chain_dict[chain[1]] = chain[0] # append the target pass chains to the target collection for chain in target_pass_chains: if chain[1] not in target_chain_dict: target_chains.append(chain) target_chain_dict[chain[1]] = chain[0] # prepare the results and return them if source_as_dict: ret_source = source_chain_dict else: ret_source = source_chains if target_as_dict: ret_target = target_chain_dict else: ret_target = target_chains return (ret_source, ret_target)
# MAIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': pass