Source code for cockatoo._knitconstraint

# PYTHON STANDARD LIBRARY IMPORTS ---------------------------------------------
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# DUNDER ----------------------------------------------------------------------
__all__ = [

# LOCAL MODULE IMPORTS --------------------------------------------------------
from cockatoo.environment import RHINOINSIDE

# RHINO IMPORTS ---------------------------------------------------------------
    import rhinoinside
    from Rhino.Geometry import Curve as RhinoCurve
    from Rhino.Geometry import Curve as RhinoCurve

# CLASS DECLARATION -----------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class KnitConstraint(object): """ Datastructure for representing constraints derived from a mesh. Used for the automatic generation of knitting patterns. """ def __init__(self, start_course, end_course, left_boundary, right_boundary): if not isinstance(start_course, RhinoCurve): raise ValueError("start_course has to be of type Curve!") if not isinstance(end_course, RhinoCurve): raise ValueError("end_course has to be of type Curve!") self.cons = {"start": start_course, "end": end_course, "left": [], "right": []} for lb in left_boundary: if not isinstance(lb, RhinoCurve): errMsg = "All items of left_boundary have to be of type " + \ "Curve!" raise ValueError(errMsg) self.cons["left"].append(lb) for rb in right_boundary: if not isinstance(rb, RhinoCurve): errMsg = "All items of right_boundary have to be of type " + \ "Curve!" raise ValueError() self.cons["right"].append(rb) # TEXTUAL REPRESENTATION -------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): """ Return a textual description of the constraint. Returns ------- description : str A textual description of the constraint """ name = "KnitConstraint" ll = len(self.cons["left"]) lr = len(self.cons["right"]) data = ("({} Left Boundaries, {} Right Boundaries)") data = data.format(ll, lr) return name + data
[docs] def ToString(self): """ Return a textual description of the constraint. Returns ------- description : str A textual description of the constraint. Notes ----- Used for overloading the Grasshopper display in data parameters. """ return repr(self)
# PROPERTIES -------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_start_course(self): return self.cons["start"] start_course = property(_get_start_course, None, None, "The start course of the KnitConstraint") def _get_end_course(self): return self.cons["end"] end_course = property(_get_end_course, None, None, "The end course of the KnitConstraint") def _get_left_boundary(self): return self.cons["left"] left_boundary = property(_get_left_boundary, None, None, "The left boundary of the KnitConstraint") def _get_right_boundary(self): return self.cons["right"] right_boundary = property(_get_right_boundary, None, None, "The right boundary of the KnitConstraint")